Welcome to Moda!
Feeling a bit frivolous...
Feeling a bit frivolous...
I know. I can't believe it either. November is almost-done, Thanksgiving is this week, and I don't even want to think about how rapidly Christmas is approaching.
After that, it will be 2016!
I feel like I just got here yesterday... though I also feel like we worked on these quilts yesterday... and that January was eons ago. (It doesn't help that we're already working on Christmas of next year in the office... "a long winter's nap?"... yeah, right.)
Let's get back to the matter at hand - something pretty that's been in the works for months and months - Frivols No. 4 - the collection is Windermere by Brenda Riddle.
The quilt is Lakeland - named for the English Lake District that Brenda loves. The quilt measures 50" x 50"... though it could be made larger with the addition of a border. Or the four blocks could be made into pillows. (I'd keep two and give the other two as gifts. Maybe.)
I confess that this is one of my favorite tins - it's PINK! How could it now be wonderful?
I'm still sewing the Maker Blocks - I'm caught up through Month 4. I've also started making some of the extra blocks I'll need for the sampler quilt I have in mind. (No, I still can't believe I'm working on three sampler quilts at the same time. New Year's Resolution for 2016 - only one sampler quilt at a time... after I finish these, of course.)
Pictures of finished quilts and "arriving Frivols" are continuing to show up on Instagram and Facebook with the hashtag - #ModaFrivols. So many wonderful finished quilts and projects -
... including one all the way from Australia.
This is from Elizabeth at The Patchwork Pear in Port Lincoln, South Australia. The quilting is perfection.
We've also been having fun with the Moda Sampler Shuffle - #modasamplershuffle.
Row 1: Debbie - @quiltedmoose / Thelma - @thelmacupcake / Kristine - @quiltersattitude
Row 2: Jemima - @jemimas_creative_quilting / Laura - @laurastitch / Annalee - @annalee_k
Row 3: Lisa - @lisa.norton.351 / Liz - @lizfromshush / Karyl - @karyllynnesmith
The first twelve blocks have been posted on shop websites around the world - the next three blocks will be available on Friday, November 27th. It will be something to look forward to after a day of college football, shopping and leftovers.
Top left: Diane - @quiltnchick / Bottom left: Nancy - @nancyoakeson
On the right: Deborah, Kimberly, Sarah & Cheryl - the ladies from @fatquartershop
Me? I'm caught up - and I've finished my flying geese for the borders. (Of course, I'm behind on the other two sampler projects so I'm not in any danger of get hurt patting myself on the back.)
I have a Zen Chic-y thing going on - For You, Flow and Modern Background Paper.
With sewing before Market and since, I've been unwrapping bundles and rolls, enough to accumulate a nice pile of the measuring tape ribbon. Enough to make something?
I see another one - or two - of these in my future.
I must sew faster - and more.
With a nice long weekend ahead... I see that in my future.
Happy Thanksgiving!